NCRHA Saddle Circuit
NCRHA Saddle Circuit Rules
Saddle Classes:
Youth 13 & Under, Youth 14-18, Rookie Level 2, Limited Non Pro,
Intermediate Non Pro, Non Pro, Limited Open, Intermediate Open, and Open.
1st Place – Trophy Saddle
2nd Place – Buckle, Bit, Spur, or comparable prize to be determined by NCRHA Board
3rd Place – Winter Blanket, Saddle Pad, or comparable prize
4th Place – Horse Sheet or comparable prize
Buckle Classes:
Green Reiner Level 1 and 2, Rookie Level 1 and 2, Prime Time Non Pro, Rookie Professional.
1st place – Champion Buckle
2nd Place – Reserve Champion Buckle
3rd Place – Winter Blanket, Saddle Pad, or comparable prize
4th Place - Sheet or comparable prize
1. All classes will be NRHA approved.
2. The NRHA handbook will be used to determine class eligibility.
3. Riders must be current NCRHA members in good standing for points to count toward year-end awards. Points
earned prior to payment of current year membership will not be awarded.
4. 50% Rule: In order to be eligible for year-end prizes the rider/horse combination must compete in the circuit class a
minimum of 50% of the time it is offered. Points are awarded to rider/horse combinations.
5. The same horse/rider combination cannot win multiple year end saddles. In the event that this occurs the
rider/horse will be awarded the saddle of their choice and receive a buckle in place of the other saddle.
6. Open Riders cannot win multiple year end saddles. In the event that this occurs the rider/horse will be awarded the
saddle of their choice and receive a buckle in place of the other Saddle.
7. Open division riders are not held to horse/rider combination restrictions.
8. Open division riders may show multiple horses in a class.
a. If an open rider shows multiple horses the highest placing horse's points will be counted towards year end awards. Lower placing horses’ points do not count towards year end awards but they may block points that another rider could have earned.
9. Points for non-Youth classes will be awarded based on the NRHA Schedule A payback schedule, which is based on class size. NRHA payback schedule B will be used if the class is a $2,000 or more added category one class.
10. Points for Youth classes will be awarded based on the NRHA Youth Point Scale (page 56 of the 2019 NRHA Handbook) which is based on class size with a maximum of 10 points possible for 1st place in classes larger than 10.
11. When there is a tie in a class the points will be added together for any ties and then divided by the number tied. This includes 1st place ties. A run-off of a class that is tied will have no effect on points awarded.
12. Decimal points will be calculated to the hundredth.
13. In the event that there is a tie at the end of the year for a 1st place award the tie will be broken in the following manner:
a. The rider/horse combination that has the most first place wins in that circuit class is the winner.
b. If the tiebreaker above does not break the tie then the rider/horse combination that has placed in that
circuit class the greatest number of times is the winner.
c. If the tiebreaker above does not break the tie then rider/horse combination that has won the most NRHA
money in that circuit class is the winner.
d. For Open divisions, the same rules apply except for the rider/horse combination restriction.
14. In the event that there is a tie for second place in a saddle class (buckle award), a buckle will be awarded to all tied exhibitors. Similarly, ties for 3rd and 4th place will be awarded the same prize corresponding with the prize of the highest place tie. Prizes only awarded to 4th place.
15. Year-end Youth Prizes will be paid for by the NCRHA Youth Club. If funds are not available prizes will be adjusted.
16. For issues and rules not addressed here, refer to the NRHA Handbook.
17. The NCRHA Saddle Circuit rules will be reviewed and updated annually by the NCRHA Board of Directors
NCRHA Traveling Trophies
Craig Howard Traveling Trophy Award
1. Defined as the Non Pro who wins the most NRHA money during the NCRHA "Saddle Circuit".
2. Any NCRHA Non Pro that shows in at least half of the NCRHA "saddle circuit" approved Category 1 shows is
eligible. Each slate of classes counts as a show.
3. Earnings will be counted on multiple horses.
4. Riders must be current NCRHA members in good standing for earnings to count toward the year-end award.
Dollars earned prior to payment of current year membership will not be counted.
5. The following NRHA class categories will be included:
Category 1- NCRHA approved (see NRHA handbook) Includes Novice Horse classes.
Category 2- NCRHA approved (see NRHA handbook)
Category 5- NCRHA approved (see NRHA handbook)
Category 6- NCRHA approved (see NRHA handbook)
Category 7- NCRHA approved (see NRHA handbook)
6. Open class money earnings will not be counted towards this award.
7. Winner of the award will be determined by the highest money-earning NCRHA Non-Pro, resulting from the
above criteria.
8. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the competitor with the greatest number of circuit wins in eligible
9. This Criteria/selection process may be reviewed from time to time in order to implement changes deemed
Steve Harris Traveling Trophy Award
1. Defined as the NCRHA Non Pro who wins the most Category 2 (aged event) NRHA money at NCRHA shows.
2. Riders must be current NCRHA members in good standing for earnings to count toward the year-end award.
Dollars earned prior to payment of current year membership will not be counted.
3. The rider must have shown at two different weekend horse shows throughout the season and designate the
NCRHA as their Affiliate in order to be eligible for this award. (For example showing at the NCRHA St Paul
Futurity and also the St Paul Derby on the same weekend would not constitute showing at two different
weekend horse shows.)
4. Earnings will be counted on multiple horses.
5. Open class money earnings will not be counted towards this award.
6. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the competitor with the greatest number of circuit wins in eligible
7. This Criteria/selection process may be reviewed from time to time in order to implement changes deemed